Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Breaking the Rules: Cute Questions

It is late and I have uni in like 4 hours but I am going to be stupid and reply to some tumblr question thing my friend Chelsea tagged me in. I'm meant to tag other people too but I can't be assed and I'm posting it here! (Because my tumblr is partially inactive because no friends.) 

I'm pretty sleep deprived and going to sleep in 6 minutes so yeah rushed answers

I broke the rules chels, sorry.

1. What is the single most important inanimate object you own? Why is it important to you?
 It would have to be my DSLR camera, it's really shitty (but I love it to bits) and I've pretty much destroyed it because I take it everywhere not in a camera bag (hey, live a little, man.) and I got it like... 4 years ago actually but it created a completely new medium and aesthetic for my own expression, as well as allowing it to be something to keep me holding on to the parts of me I felt like I was losing in my academics.

2. What is one thing you do which can make you smile without fail?
 Smiling makes me smile. Also bad puns. I'm the only person laughing at them anyway.

3. What animal best suits your personality? Why is this?
 A butterfly, it's more a dream really, I eat and eat and eat and sleep and sleep and sleep and then end up as this gorgeous thing. THAT is the life.

4. What’s a book you would recommend anyone read?
 Before sunset/ before sunrise screenplay (cheating) - Richard Linklater and Kim Krizan, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S Thompson, The Fabric of the Cosmos - Brian Greene, You and I - Ryan McGinley (okay so this is a photography book, so what) and Mockingbird Wish me Luck - Charles Bukowski

5. Do you prefer being in groups or being alone?
 Being alone

6. What are a few morals that you will stick by no matter what?
 Be genuine and honest, treat everyone like a human, because they're also bound to have stories that could reduce you to tears.

7. Describe your perfect date.
Perfect date? Something intimate and well thought out is perfect for me.

8. What is your opinion on flower crowns?
 Love em, made one in the summer holidays and I feel like Asian reincarnated Frida Kahlo, also Tavi Gevinson is an inspiration man.

9. In 10 years time where do you want to be? Where do you think you’ll be?
 Hopefully traveling, Greece or Spain or Peru or living in Denmark.

10. Do you collect anything?
 My room is collecting dust. Do clothes count? I used to collect shiny coins as a kid (but then I'd just spend them on lollies) and crystals and marbles (but I cheated I just bought like a 25 pack of marbles) and mood rings and I collected shiny things. Lots of shiny things actually. 

11. What is a fear you’ve overcome and how did you overcome it? If not, what is one of your fears?
 I don't think I've really overcome anything. I'm really scared of the depths of the sea, where it's pitch black and super pressurized but then again I love to scuba dive and snorkel. Idk.

PS I don't know why the font colour is different but I am way too tired to find out.

Click here for Chelsea's perfect tumblr (hope she doesn't mind)


  1. Feel blessed to know such amazing people
    Loveyou :)

    1. Omg I hope this is chels! YOU ARE AMAZING Please.
