Friday, April 12, 2013

Uni Student Blues

I have two exams coming up, one is next Monday worth 15% of my mark (which is actually a lot better because I thought it was 30% for like two weeks, but now have done some poor prioritizing) and I have on on the same week, on Thursday worth 36% of my grade (fuck.). I am not lying when I say I am behind. I have so many gaps in my knowledge that need to hastily be filled in a week, which means I'm really really feeling the pressure. It doesn't help that I have exam anxiety and am not very confident in my own abilities. I don't know. Partially it feels like everyone around me knows everything already and I am just trying to keep up, while they seem to be having a brisk morning jog.

Anyway, this was not meant to be a depressing wall post, but possibly a post to laugh at all my problems. I'm become the bumbling, sleep-deprived, mentally unstable, food stuck in teeth, falling-asleep-in-lectures university stereotype. And I've decided on a right-of-passage type deal which completely consolidates my new found status

  1. Nutritiously poor meals; pies, pies, ramen, sandwiches (okay this one is questionable), mountain dew, and an unreasonable amount of hi-chew. (hi chew are these japanese/korean candies which are on sale at the university dairy type of thing which has allowed be to report that the blood glucose in my bloodstream is 90% due to hi-chews). Anyway, these wonderful high energy dinners have been fueling me the last couple of nights, and what's worse is eating them alone at a table late at night still at the uni.
  2. Going through 2 cans of Bastiste: I don't know if I spelled it right and I'm not going to check (it's 2:31 dammit). It's pretty much my quick fix cleanliness in a can. The next best thing to cheese in a can. It's dry shampoo, on the days that I can't have a quick morning shampoo and condition I use dry shampoo as a quick-fix to make my hair look less nasty. I know, it's not pleasant and now if you' know me you'll never come near me again. Also other shortcuts to hygiene; buns and ponytails. Now you know when to stay away from me. Now you know.
  3. Being not on time: okay so this is not as detrimental as it may seem. But today I turned up an hour early to my lab (but I thought I had come right on time) and started freaking the fuck out because no one was there. Laboratories are mandatory and part of our grade so naturally I was so scared thinking I would be late. I rang other people in my lab, they were confused and said they'd be there soon. I didn't know until I asked another girl who was waiting, and we had a brief argument about what time it REALLY was currently and I discovered I had not turned my watch back for daylight saving. Yay.
Anyway, I am terrified out of my skin for my exams and it feel like I don't know if I'll get through these ones. I guess I've always naturally been good at academics (not trying to be arrogant k) but now that I'm in a cohort where I'm 'average' its really really really not been a fun time. Also I want fingers crossed to get into optom but I need AT LEAST an A- average in all my papers and only 60 from a potential 500 (?) get in.

Argh. Fears aside, here's my bipolar blogpost and a picture of a (clay) embryo my brother made 2 years ago. (I made one too, but I don't have it yet. I call her Meryl Streep (it was that or Beyonce Jr.))

And mind the typos, I'm really tired. 

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