Monday, June 3, 2013

Outfit Post 6: Exams in 11 Days

I have exams in 11 days! Which is super terrifying considering how much they are worth for my total grade. Doing some late night shopping I went on Trademe (NZ version of eBay) to see if I could grab any bargains. I bought this Stolen Girlfriends Club skirt which is the current season and at a huge bargain from the regular price. I am always hesitant to get anything from Trademe (only because I can't see the product and also because I don't know who I'm buying from) but the trader was super friendly and mailed it so quickly. She also packed it neatly in a cute 'The Department Store' bag which was a Where's Wally style (first pic!).

I love the high slits in the skirt and how form fitting it is, it accentuates my figure and then gracefully falls down. It's also really edgy and tough looking with the thick zips and grungy but has such a classic silhouette.

I am honestly losing my mind studying, I am like strung out on < 3 hours sleep for the last 3 nights and it is driving me insane. That + no internet (my sister watched The Voice too compulsively omg) made me super anxious and so it was nice to wind down a little (even though I really shouldn't be) today.

Due to the long weekend I got some more stuff yesterday and that I really shouldn't have (RUBY was having a sale!) and I preordered stuff like 2 weeks ago that I'm waiting to arrive in stock. But after this I can't spend anymore, and going to give my credit card to a third party ):

Good luck for your semester exams (if you have any?), treat yourself with love, eat lots of fruit and stay golden y'aaaaalllllll.

P.S. Don't ask me why I am carrying succulents I just know they look cute and they are my favourite plant (or group of plants) (after cacti and sunflowers)


  1. Digging both the succulents + skirt, ya look good! X

  2. Le smoking skirt perfection! #hotstuff ;)Make sure you get more sleep!! Succulents sound like really juicy food or something. They make good photoshoot props though :P Cacti are so cute! But tulips are my fave :D (typical tumblr fave flower hehe) xx
