Monday, February 25, 2013

Ferries and the Oscars

So today my friends and I WATCHED THE OSCARS WOO WOO WOO. After a heated game where we predicted the choices (I lost because I was too attached to my favourites - cough Joaquin Phoenix and Emmanuelle Riva and Zero Dark Thirty for almost anything it was nominated for) and too angry at how much Les Mis was nominated as well as the lack of The Master. ANYWAY, my friend lives rather far, so we had to catch a ferry there. (I will probably rant about the Oscars later into the night when I am exhausted and a swirl of passions and feelings.)

Me, not being the most punctual person in the world (I like to maximize the time I have before being on transport which usually consists of trying to finish a movie, finish a cake/ sandwhich/ ramen / general food) arrived literally as the ferry was just about to leave and dramatically dashed to the ferry. Anyway, it was a pretty good day, lots of laughs as the most hilarious facial expressions were pulled on the roof of the ferry (is it just me or are ferries actually pretty fast) due to the wind and spending a day with passionate people was kinda great. It seems like this is going to be one of the last full days of my holidays before orientation week for University, and I'm terrified. It's a huge step and I guess today was a good way to spend it, relaxed and happy with great people.


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